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The 艺术,设计和表演艺术 department at the Quad-Cities Campus offers programs for students to prepare for a career or major in art or music. The department also offers electives, clubs and performance groups.

Art and Design

学习艺术和设计技巧, while developing a professional portfolio will prepare you for a major or career in dozens of fields, 包括平面设计, digital media, illustration, 摄影和美术实践.


If you plan to transfer into an art or design major to complete a bachelor’s degree, 使用以下示例转移计划:

如果你想转校的话, your advisor will customize a transfer plan for that college or university. BHC also has many 转让指南和协议 already established with four-year institutions in a variety of majors.

Hands-on Classes

你可以进入iMac实验室, art studios, photography studios and professional equipment to get hands-on experience with industry standard facilities.

Clubs and Activities


Student run art club that hosts events such as artist workshops and field trips.

Bus Trips


ArtSpace Gallery

每月由本地,区域和国家艺术家展出. At the end of the academic year, ArtSpace is reserved for our Student Art Show. BHC students submit artworks that are judged by a local professional artist.

ArtFusion Magazine

ArtFusion is produced every other year by and for the students of Black Hawk College. Essays, digital drawing, photography, painting and other student works are featured in this student-designed and professionally-published magazine.

ArtFusion 2024杂志(PDF)
ArtFusion 2022杂志(PDF)

Social Media

Follow BHC Art and Design on social media to see what students are doing and stay connected with community events:


Our full music program includes theory, aural skills, music history, applied lessons and ensembles. BHC的学生可以参加三个合唱团, concert band, jazz ensemble, 吉他合奏和弦乐团.


New students must apply for admission 太阳城集团博彩的学生, 为合奏团试镜, 或者进入学位课程.


Students enrolling in applied music courses for the first time at Black Hawk College are encouraged to audition on their major instrument to ensure placement in the appropriate level of applied music and to be eligible for music achievement awards.

Auditions are scheduled on a rolling basis throughout the academic year. 试听要求将在安排时间时发送.

Choose Your Ensemble

在BHC合奏中与志同道合的音乐家一起创作音乐. Special scholarships are available for students who participate in ensembles, 你也会因为参加而获得选修课学分.

 Instrumental Ensembles

  • Concert Band – Large, non-auditioned instrumental ensemble open to BHC students and community members.
  • Guitar Ensemble -由初学者组成的未经试镜的小组, 中级和高级古典和原声吉他手.
  • Jazz Ensemble – Small instrumental ensemble performing traditional and contemporary jazz with an emphasis on improvisational techniques.
  • String Orchestra – Large, non-auditioned orchestral ensemble open to BHC students and community members.

 Vocal Ensembles

  • Chamber Singers – Auditioned a cappella ensemble of eight to sixteen singers who perform challenging literature in a variety of styles.
  • Concert Choir – Non-auditioned mixed chorus of 15-30 members who perform concerts throughout the year.
  • Community Chorale – A non-auditioned group choir comprised of singing enthusiasts of all ages. Retired people, working people, along with traditional-aged college students and some high school students help to create a truly multi-generational ensemble.

Clubs and Events

  • Music Makers Meetup student-run club
  • 去音乐会和博物馆实地考察
  • 参观艺术家及工作坊
  • 开放麦克风之夜和其他特别活动


If you plan to transfer into a music major to complete a bachelor’s degree, 请参考以下示例转移计划:

 Music (Therapy) (PDF)
 Music (Business) (PDF)

如果你想转校的话, your advisor will customize a transfer plan for that college or university. BHC also has many 转让指南和协议 already established with four-year institutions in a variety of majors.

Browse through a comprehensive list of music organizations to learn more about what a path in music performance, music business, 音乐治疗和音乐教育对你来说可能是什么样子.

Learn more about the ways you can pursue your education in music and turn your passion into a career you love.


SNAAP, 由印第安纳大学管理, provides annual information about current occupations of art alumni, where artists reside, education satisfaction and how many art alumni have gone on to earn graduate degrees.

Social Media

Follow BHC Music on social media to see what students are doing and stay connected with community events:

// In This Section


Achievement Awards can reduce cost of attendance by earning up to 12 credit waivers each semester.


  • 珍妮·塔米西亚纪念奖学金(艺术系学生)
  • 威廉·巴特沃斯基金会奖学金(艺术类学生)
  • BHC校长奖学金


Related Programs

Program Name Award Credits
Associate in Arts AA Degree 60
美术副学士 AFA Degree 62
Associate in Science AS Degree 60
音乐行业证书 Certificate 29
视觉传达(AAS) AAS Degree 66

Department Faculty

Irene Leites

Dr. Irene Apanovitch-Leites, DMA,南加州大学

部门联席主席及助理. Professor

Annie Oldenburg

Annie Oldenburg, M.F.太平洋西北艺术学院

部门联席主席助理. Professor of Art


Terrance Gray

Terrance Gray, M.A.北伊利诺伊大学

Instructor of Art


Corey Kendrick

Corey Kendrick, M.A,密歇根州立大学



Arts Events

9-30-2024 //下午2:00 - 4:00


10-09-2024 //中午12:00 -下午1:30

访问艺术家Luciane Dom -非裔巴西音乐

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